TUTAN KHAMUN TOKEN17 May1 dakikada okunurBURN ALL LIQUIDITY. REDUCE TOTAL SUPPLYTUTANKHAMUN was created on the terraport dex to support the terra classic chain and offer unique experiences to investors. More than 40...
TUTAN KHAMUN TOKEN17 May1 dakikada okunurSTABILize SUPPLY#LUNC/TKMN -TKMN Information has been updated by burning 90% of the total supply. total supply: 100 million. Maximum supply: 100...
TUTAN KHAMUN TOKEN12 May1 dakikada okunurBURN LUNC REDUCE SUPPLYAs stated in the #TKMN road map, it was established to support the #lunc community and burns 0.25% of the tax revenues obtained as #lunc....
TUTAN KHAMUN TOKEN30 Nis2 dakikada okunurBEYAZ KAĞITKuruluş: 19.04.2024 TUTAN KHAMUN YOL HARİTASI #GİRİŞ -Firavunların saltanatını sürdüren önemli bir figür olan Tutankhamun'dan ilham alan...
TUTAN KHAMUN TOKEN29 Nis1 dakikada okunurNETWORK: TERRACLASSİC#TKMN Terraport is also built on the Terra classic network and aims to support the Terra classic (lunc) community and contribute to the...
TUTAN KHAMUN TOKEN29 Nis1 dakikada okunurCONTINUOUS BURNING#TKMN burns 25 percent of its tax revenues as tkmn and 25 percent as lunch. Thus, it contributes to increasing the tokenomic effect of...